Papal Condemnations of Freemasonry

Pope Benedict XV 1914-1922
Pope Benedict XV 1914-1922
War, Armistice, Peace, all took place under the Pontificate of Benedict XV. In connection with our own viewpoint on Judeo-Masonry, we must point out the Papal condemnation of Ludovic Keller's book: "Le Basi Spirituali Della Massone-Ria E La Vita Publica" (The spiritual foundations of Masonry and the life of the people) published in 1915. That book was condemned on June 15, 1916. Moreover, the letter from the Holy Office of the Vatican to the Ordinaries called upon their vigilant attention because of special new machinations being directed against the Faith by anti-Catholic associations. The association particularly indicated is the Y.M.C.A. (Young Men's Christian Association) which on many occasions has been singled out as being fundamentally Masonic in the "Revue Internationale Des Societes Secretes." The letter from the Holy Office of November 5, 1920 particularly mentions that according to its declaration of principles, the Y.M.C.A. "Intends to purify and spread a more perfect knowledge of real life placing itself above all churches and outside and religious jurisdiction." Such anticlerical transcendentalism is none other than the manifestation of Judeo-Masonry.
Furthermore, on the inside cover of our Revue Internationale Des Societes Secretes are reproduced the two letters addressed to me by the Holy See, which are an affirmation of the viewpoint which Pope Benedict XV held on Masonry, the same viewpoint carrying the same condemnations already pronounced by his predecessors since Pope Clement XII.
The two letters from the Vatican are herewith reproduced.
1. From Pope Benedict XV to Monseigneur Jouin:
"Beloved Son-Greetings and Apostolic Blessing. The eminent virtues which, in the course of your long sacerdotal career, you have shown with such resplendent light added to the high consideration in which you are held by Our Venerable Brother, Jauvier Granito di Belmonte, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, Bishop of Albano, as also by the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris, have prompted Our decision to honor you with a great homage.
"We do know that you fulfill the obligations of your sacred ministry in the most exemplary manner; that you have the most ardent solicitude for the eternal salvation of the faithful and that with constancy and courage you have upheld the rights of the Catholic Church -- and have done so even at the peril of your own life. You have worked against the enemies of religion and We know that you spare neither work nor expenses to spread among the people your great works on those questions . . ."
2. From His Eminence Cardinal Gasparri (State Secretary of His Holiness) to Monseigneur Jouin on June 20, 1919.
"The Sovereign Pontiff with his paternal benevolence has accepted the homage of your new study on 'La guerre Maconnique' (The Masonic War).
"It is with unerring judgment that in the work which you have undertaken, you have endeavored to project light, by means of documentation and irrefutable proofs, upon the inept and essentially anti-Catholic doctrine of Freemasonry, a doctrine issued from deism born of the Reformation, a doctrine which, as it is today clearly evident, leads fatally to the very denial of God, to social atheism, to irreligious teaching and impiety and is greatly detrimental to nations; it aims at removing from every association every trace of religion and every church mediation.
"Above all, in spite of all lies which oftentimes deceive the Catholics themselves, you have carefully and most particularly clearly shown the identity of Freemasonry evident everywhere and always, and the continuity of the plans set by the Sects and whose master design is the destruction of the Catholic Church.
"His Holiness takes pleasure in congratulating you and encouraging your work whose influence can, indeed, be so fruitful. It can induce the faithful to be vigilant and help them to fight efficaciously against everything tending to the destruction of the social order as well as of religion.
"As evidence of the celestial gifts bestowed upon you and as a testimony of his paternal benevolence, the Holy Father, from his heart bestows upon you the Apostolic Blessing.
"Thanking, you also for the copy of your book which you graciously sent me, and with my personal congratulations, I pray you to believe, Monseigneur, in the assurance of my complete devotion.