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who attempt to tear it down and destroy it." (Mirari Vos, Encyclical of Pope Gregory XVI, August 15, 1832 A.D.)
"...the roots of modern apostasy lay in scientific atheism, dialectical materialism, rationalism, illuminism,
Papacy and Freemasonry, a Speech by Monseigneur Jouin, December 8, 1930
Moreover the Papacy and Judeo-Masonry are both so fully conscious of the diametrically opposed parts that they are playing that they assume that from it must issue the political, economic, intellectual and religious future of individuals as well as of nations. It is a fact and the better proof of it is their irreducible antagonism toward each other. What is, indeed, Judeo-Masonry today if not the concentration and mobilization of all evil forces? This Sect with its threefold claim of being Counter-Church (against the Church), Counter-State (against the State) and Counter-Morality (against traditional morality) takes pride in being above all and for all times the enemy of the Catholic Church; one of its rallying calls is that of Tigrotto, one of the Alta Vendita chiefs who, in 1822, proclaimed: "Catholicism must be destroyed throughout the whole world." With Tigrotto also the anti-Catholic plan is expressed thus: "Let us conspire only against Rome." Is this not expressed in an identical manner in the German "Los Von Rom" or in the English: "No Popery?" Monseigneur Gay, having been assigned by the Council of the Vatican the duty of writing "A Memorandum on Secret Societies," gave the following striking definition of Freemasonry: "It is evident that in a general way, this doctrine of Freemasonry is not only a heresy, nor even the totality of all heresies, which find in it a haven; it is a fact that Masonry goes beyond the limits of what constitutes what is generally ascribed to the word 'heresy,' for it allows full play to the commission of outrageous perversion. Freemasonry is indeed the abyss of all errors, the well of perdition."
This abyss of all errors (Abyssus Errorum) is justly compared to the "abysmal well' mentioned in Revelation (abyssus putei, ix, 1-3 ), whose emanations darken the light of the sun and poison the air. It is this accursed Sect whose perversion was stigmatized by Pope Pius IX when he named it: "The Synagogue of Satan." Due to its enormous extension and its nowadays very visible collusion with International Jewish Finance, Freemasonry has indeed become the "Synagogue of Satan." As such it provided funds for the Russian revolution, installed in Moscow; it carried Communism from East to West, took up the leadership of States of their governments, their various administration departments or ministries, and of their parliaments and, in consequence, it is such a world power that for any discerning mind, it seems as though, today, there are on earth only two great powers, viz.: Judeo-Masonry in the service of World Jewry and the Church in the hands of Peter's successor. Those two powers are at war, face to face as though fighting an endless duel, as is clearly expressed in the stone inscription of the Masonic Grand Orient and Supreme Council of France: "The fight taking place between Catholicism and Freemasonry is a fight to the very death, ceaseless and merciless." (Bulletin of the Grand Orient of France P. 183. 1892 and in memorandum of the Supreme Council No. 85, page 48.) With such a rallying definite line of action, one can positively affirm that Judeo-Masonry is the unique enemy of the Church. It can be detected in all anti-Catholic attacks against clergy or laity led either by Freemasons or by even Catholics whose faith has decreased due to either fear, passion or self-interest. In his encyclical "Humanum Genus" Pope Leo XIII wrote: "There exists in the world a certain number of sects which although seemingly different one from another as to name, ritual, form and origin are, however, similar due to the analogy of their aim and chief principles. Indeed, they are identical to Freemasonry which is, for them all, the central point from which they proceed and toward which they converge." Further, in his letter to the Italian people dated December 8, 1892, Pope Leo XIII writes: "Let us remember that Christianity and Freemasonry are essentially incompatible, to such an extent, that to become united with one means being divorced from the other. Let us, therefore, expose Freemasonry as the enemy of God, of the Church and of our Motherland." ![]() St. Peter, First Pope of the Catholic Church At the present moment (1930) it is a fact that St. Augustine's two cities, the City of Good and The City of Evil are separate, each seeking to rule in the world. The City of Evil ruled by Satan is named Judeo-Masonry; insistently it proclaims to all, Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, to Freethinkers, Communists and Pagans, in fact to the whole world that: "To fight against papacy is a social necessity and constitutes the constant duty of Freemasonry." (Masonic International Congress held in Brussels 1904, page 132 of the report. ) The City of Good and of Jesus Christ is the Catholic Church; for over 19 centuries, according to the teaching of the Roman Pontiff, She repeats to the world Her immutable creed: I believe in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Such is the subject of my conference. From an over-all viewpoint, there should issue a solid appreciation of the work of a number of Popes done on the subject of the Sect of Freemasonry from the time it made its appearance in the 18th century. It showed its anti-religious and anti-social activities as well as its licentiousness and its aims which, from the very beginning, were susceptible of excommunication. It showed also its prodigious development leading to the situation which I already sketched, namely, the duality of forces: one, the forces of evil concentrating in Judeo-Masonry and the other the forces of good, concentrated in one flock under the staff of the one shepherd; (representative of Jesus Christ) who, since 1738 has constantly renewed the appeal for the defense of the Church against Her mortal enemy -- even though in many instances the appeal was useless. Surrounded by Ghettos and Masonic Lodges, in the course of a fight which has become universal, Popes have reiterated their appeal for defense and have clearly shown the place and the duty of Catholics -- all too frequently the place has been left deserted and the duty has been betrayed in a shameful manner. However, even if in our day we are witnessing the terrific confirmation of these truths, it is necessary to remember that they were proclaimed by several Popes.
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix IIII The Coming Great Catholic Monarch St. John Bosco's Dream (Vision) of Hell
Michael Dimond: